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Brian Batrowny - Administration


Brian Beach - Intelligence


Patrick Gequerdo - Plans & Operations


Eric Curtis - Logistics


Raymond Blackburn - Master Grower

GreenUSA evolved from several businesses, to include: a concert tour service, a printing company, and 3 investing groups, coupled with a 30 year vet of growing the finest weed in the mountains of Colorado, thus was GreenUSA born.  The following are the the businesses which merged to form GreenUSA:



Prince of Prints

Hidden Lake Oasis

S.P.M. Investments

Celebrations DJ Service

Chicago Concert Caravan

GreenUSA is headquartered in Colorado USA, the first state to legalize marijuana for all its citizens over 21.  We have offices in Denver and Pueblo West.  We also have locations in Illinois and New York, both important states (population-wise) in the further attempts to legalize medical marijuana.

Our assets include a 5 acre farm in Illinois (waiting on Illinois law to clarify), a 5000 s.f. farmhouse (+ cash flow), six car garage, a printing operation (active cash producing business) in New York, and a 1 acre facility in Pueblo West, Colorado.  We also have active investments in approximately 20 marijuana companies to include American Green (ERBB), TerraTech (TRTC) & The Cannabis Business Group (CBGI) valued at $214,000 as of July 2014.  We also list as assets: 2 modified RV's, a converted ambulance (the Munchie-Mobile), 2 work trucks, a motor boat, and two other vehicles.  Furthermore we have access to 250 acres in SW Colorado for events and future growing operations.  As of July 2014 we have marijuana grow-ops working, we anticipate our first LARGE scale harvest in 2015.

Our greatest assest is our people, specifically 150,000 fans and followers on facebook.  These people were demographically selected for having both an interest in the legalization of marijuana AND investing.  The people follow us on our 4 facebook pages: Marijuana Investing, Marijuana Investing "Group," GreenUSA Tours and GreenUSA Awakening (events/political).

The primary structure of GreenUSA is as a conglomerate supporting a chain of franchise locations (think: the Radio Shack of Marijuana).  GreenUSA is in a formative stage having combined several existing businesses.  We anticipate opening our model/pilot location in late 2014.  Franchises to open in Colorado in 2015, Washington state in 2016, other states as opportunities and new legislation allow.



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