If the whole world smoked a joint at the same time, There would be world peace for at least two hours. Followed by a global food shortage.
Q: What do you call a pothead that doesn't inhale? A: Mr. President.
Q: What is Reality? A: An illusion caused by a lack of good weed.
Q: How many Stoners does it take to change a light bulb A: Who cares man, its to bright in here anyway!
"Los Angeles residents are going to vote on a tax on anything sold in a medical marijuana dispensary. If the measure passes the city could be solvent within 45 minutes."
"Sarah Palin has revealed she has tried marijuana, but she did not like it. You know, it's amazing: 200 million Americans have smoked marijuana. The only ones who don't like it seem to be elected officials. Ever notice that?"
"Earlier this week — this is crazy — the country's first marijuana cafe opened up, which not only sells medical marijuana, but also has a restaurant where customers can eat. In a related story, the recession is over."
Q: How do fish party?
A: Seaweed.